UnLock the Power of your Mind
& Create Radical Positive transformation in your life with the Silva Method
Learn how to use your intuition to help you navigate through everyday life and challenging experiences.
Dynamic & Productive Meditations
Learn how to access the alpha and theta level during meditation in order to heal, achieve goals, make better decisions and so much more. Our meditations are far from passive. You feel like you’ve accomplished so much in just 15 minutes of meditating.
Step into alignment with your Soul's Purpose
Through dynamic meditation, and connecting to Source energy, gain clarity on what you’re here to do and who you are here to be. Connect with your soul’s purpose and learn how to carry it out.
Expand your imagination & creativity
As you dive into alpha and deeper consciousness levels, learn to tap into your imagination and your creativity. Strengthen your intuition through expanding your imagination and creative process.
Mind Body Healing
Learn to program your mind and body and improve your natural healing process. Learn how to send healing to others as well.
Creative Problem Solving
Learn how to solve life’s challenges with ease by accessing the creative genius within you at alpha state.
Achieve Goals & dreams with greater ease
Learn how to attract opportunities into your life and build the pathway to achieve them.
Achieve laser focus & discipline
Learn to harness laser focus and discipline when pursuing your goals.
Better Sleep, Better Rest, Better YOU
Elevate your energy by learning to sleep better and rest, thus allowing to live better in-flow.
The Silva Method provides a grounded structural approach to help you unlock the potential already within and take greater command of how your life unfolds. Backed up by science and 22 years of initial research, The Silva Method is a world renowned system that helps you discover the genius within you. The Silva Method was introduced to the world in 1966 and has since helped millions of people world wide gain command of their lives.
What is The Silva Method?
Awaken your intuition AND unleash the genius within through the scientifically proven and time-tested Silva Method programs - Silva Life and Silva Intuition system.
Attend a 4-Day Immersion of the Silva Method and manifest a life that only gets better and better!
JoSÉ Silva
José Silva, the creator and founder of the Silva Method, started his journey as a radio repairman in Laredo, Texas. Coming from such humble beginnings, he went on to become a pioneer in mind empowerment research and created a methodology that is still helping millions around the world today.
His initial intention for creating an effective process to control and direct the mind started as an act of love to his children. He wanted to help them improve their memory and learning capabilities. From that initial intention, to over 6 million people in 110 countries in over 55 years, including Scientists, Doctors, Artists, and Entrepreneurs, José Silva’s methodology and techniques are still practiced today.

San DIego, California
Meet Your Instructor
Divine Grace Buszka
Hi there! My name is Divine Grace Buszka and I’m the certified instructor for Silva Method San Diego. If you’re in San Diego or have been looking to take a trip here or California, I would love to see you join us for one of our upcoming 4-day live in person immersion seminars of the Silva Method. These 4-day immersions will cover both the Silva Life System and the Silva Intuition System. Get ready to be amazed at what you can do when you are fully tuned into your intuition and have learned how to consciously function at alpha and theta states. By the end of the immersion, you’ll be able to know how to manifest a greater reality and truly take control of your life.
UPCOMING Silva Method San Diego Events
Upcoming Seminars:
(In-Person) March 13 - 16, 2025